Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Am I the only one that has a hard time thinking of the PERFECT gift to buy someone? I have to admit, I am doing a little better this year; I have 10 and a half gifts out of 17 purchased and WRAPPED.
I put up my tree tonight and tackled the wrapping. Out of these gifts, none of them are PERFECT. They are suitable...but not perfect. I should put a little more thought into it before going to the mall I guess...
Maybe this will be my New Year's resolution... to make detailed plans of what I will get everyone for Christmas...but what fun would that be?
Hold me to it.

On a lighter note....

someone tell me how 17 gifts are going to fit under it...

don't be jealous of my awesome cell phone ornament.

yes, i made this...


I'm 17, and i have a madeline ornament. 


MY TREE IS UP...for now. I have a very flimsy tree....it's one of those emergency trees. Two years ago I had a four or five foot tree with pre-strung lights...and they burned out, so my dad bought me one from Dollar General/Family Dollar or whatever and well...it tends to fall over with the weight of all my ornaments and the jumping up and down of my Christmas joy.

 i dress my dog up like Santa...
She was terrified.

Have any of y'all decorated for Christmas? What's your favorite Christmas ornament?
Mine is a snowman playing the pianooo:)

1 comment:

Paige Woiner said...

I love that little tree, I wish I had one. 17?! wow! I need to get your present soon.. I just need to decide what to get..
Love all the ornaments, I have a bunch of ones from my childhood too haha :p